Sharp QW-NS14I49EX-EU Ugradna mašina za pranje posuđa, 45cm в Черногории

Артикул: 7933
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Категории: Встраиваемые посудомойки


Delay Timer

Program your dishwasher so that it starts at a time that suits you.

Compact Machines

Space at home is often at a premium but these dishwashers are just 45cm wide and still take a total of 10 place settings. Streamlined and efficient, the way technology should be.

Eco Wash

For those times when you only have half a load but need it done the Eco Wash allows you to select either the top or bottom half of the machine to be cleaned.

Express 50

When time is of the essence this program does the dishes in 50 minutes at 60°c.


An anti-bacterial system added to the filter kills 99% of bacteria in the wash. Take that germs.

Overflow and Leakage Protection

Sharp puts safety first. If there is a disruption to the water flow these safety measures are designed to prevent damage to your home

Thirty Minute Wash

Originalni proizvodi Proizvod je uvezen u Crnu Goru od strane proizvođača ili ovlašćenog distributera brenda.
Garancija (Warranty) 60 месяцев (5 лет)
Kapacitet pranja 10 kompleta
Širina (cm) 45
Način montaže potpuno ugradne mašine
Indeks performansi čišćenja

Indeks performansi sušenja

Broj prskalica 2
Programi / funkcije
Broj programa

Prewash, Eco 50°C, Express 50', Intensive 65°C, Quick 30'

Aktivno sušenje

Funkcija Start/Pauza i odloženi start

Opcija za pola pranja

Indikator ciklusa pranja
Brzi program (30 min) da
Tehnologija čiščenja / senzorika MicroBan - Antibakterijski sistem dodat filteru ubija 99% bakterija u pranju.
Sistem korpi
Broj pregrada 2

Gornja korpa podesiva po visini

Broj polica za šolje 4 podesive police za šolje

Sklopivi stalci na gornjoj korpi

Sklopivi stalci na donjoj korpi

Korpa za pribor za jelo koja se može ukloniti
Prikaz / upravljanje
Vrsta displeja: LED
Zaštita od curenja

Indikator sredstva za ispiranje

Indikator soli
Klasa energetske efikasnosti E
Tehničke informacije
Energetska klasa: E (A++)

Potrošnja vode: 11 l

Potrošnja vode na godišnjem nivou: 3080 l

Potrošnja struje na godišnjem nivou: 211 kwh

Bučnost: 49 dB
Dimenzije (VxŠxD) 82,0x45,0x55,0 cm

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