Washing machine Beko WUE 7722C XW0 7kg/1400okr

Articul: WUE 7722C XW0

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The Beko WUE 7722C XW0 washing machine offers impressive capabilities and features, making laundry easier and more efficient. With it, you can easily handle large volumes of laundry thanks to its 7 kg capacity and 1400 rpm spin speed.

Firstly, the efficiency of this model should be noted. The Beko WUE 7722C XW0 washing machine is equipped with modern technologies that significantly reduce water and electricity consumption, which is an important aspect for environmentally conscious users.

Furthermore, the ease of use is remarkable. Thanks to the intuitive interface and a wide selection of washing programs, every user can easily find the perfect settings for any type of fabric, from silk to dense cotton, ensuring maximum care and preservation of items.

Finally, the washing machine has a stylish and modern design that will harmoniously fit into the interior of any bathroom or kitchen. Its compact size allows easy placement even in small spaces without losing functionality and performance.

Choosing the Beko WUE 7722C XW0 washing machine is not just about buying an appliance for clothing care online in Montenegro, but also an investment in convenience and household savings, making it the ideal choice for every family.

Garancija (Warranty) 60 months (5 years)
Brand Beko
Ugrađen / Samostojeći samostojeći
Tipovi veš mašine mašina sa prednjim punjenjem
Kapacitet pranja do 7 kg
Max. brzina centrifugiranja 1400 o/min
Klasa energetske efikasnosti C
Programi: 15

- 01: program za pamuk

- 02: Eco program za pamuk

- 03: program za sintetiku

- 04: dnevni ekspres/ekspres super kratak program 14 min

- 05: program za mešani veš

- 06: program za vunu/ručno pranje

- 07: GentleCare™ program

- 08: program za centrifugu i ceđenje

- 09: program za ispiranje

- 10: program za tamni veš/farmerke

- 11: program za zimsku/sportsku odeću

- 12: program StainExpert™

- 13: higijenski+ program sa parom

- 14: program za jakne sa parom

- 15: program za košulje sa parom
Funkcija 1: pretpranje

Funkcija 2: Fast+™

Funkcija 3: dodatno ispiranje

Pod-funkcija 1: program za čišćenje bubnja parom

Pod-funkcija 3: AntiCrease+®

Tehnologija pare: SteamCure® tretiranje fleka parom

Program StainExpert™: čišćenje za 24 vrste fleka

Super kratki program Xpress od 14 minuta: 2 kg čistog veša za 14 minuta

Digitalni displej



XL vrata

Materijal bubnja: nerđajući čelik

Kontrola neravnomerno raspoređenog veša

Automatsko prilagođavanje količine vode

Zaštita od prelivanja

Dečija sigurnosna zaštita

Napajanje: 230 V/50 Hz

Efikasnost centrifuge: B

Nivo buke: 72 dB

Akustična klasa: A

ProSmart™ Inverter Motor
Potrošnja energije 59 kWh/100 cik
Potrošnja vode 40 l/cik
Dimenzije (VxŠxD) 84 x 60 x 49 cm

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