MOTOSPEED K70 Tastatura in Podgorica Montenegro

Articul: TAS00895

This product is not available for purchase

We don't have the information when the item will be available again, so we suggest you to have a look at the offer of similar products available on our web site: Mouse, keyboard

MOTOSPEED || K70 Tastatura

Proizvod Tastatura
Tip povezivosti Žične
Povezivost USB
Osvijetljena tastatura Da
Slovni raspored tastera EN (US)
Karakteristike Tip Gejmerska tastatura
Povezivost Žična
Tip povezivosti USB
Slovni raspored tastera EN (US)
Osvetljena tastatura RGB osvetljenje
Ostale osobine Vodootporna
Garancija 24 mjeseca

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