Socomec UPS NeTYS PE 1500VA/900W

Artikal: NPE-1500-LCD
Socomec UPS NeTYS PE 1500VA/900W
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Kategorije: Zaštita napona, UPS, AVR

Socomec NeTYS PE 1500Va/900W LCD Display Line interactive UPS with AVR

The solution for

• CAD, graphic workstations
• Multimedia workstations and peripherals
• LCD screens and monitors
• POS (Points Of Sales)


Ideal and cost-effective protection for SOHO or POS applications

• Adapted to protect IT applications in home, office and retail environments.
• A complete range of six models to adapt the power to the equipment’s consumption or to required back-up time.

Easy to use

• Control panel with graphical icons LCD / LEDs allowing the operating mode to be easily monitored.

A solution for network power cuts and voltage fluctuations

Garancija (Warranty) 24 mjeseci (2 godine)
Brand Socomec-Netys
Snaga(W) 900
Snaga(VA) 1500
Ulazni napon 170- 280V
Izlazni napon 230V
Baterija Sealed lead-acid maintenance free battery w/ 55 min Back-up Time
Priključci/Slotovi USB Port
Dimenzije 145 x 390 x 205 mm (W x D x H)

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